In an ever-changing World, when we all thought that the Spirit of Christmas was lost forever, people are starting to reconnect with it once again.
I'm not talking about expensive presents and gifts.
I'm talking about the Joy of the Season, the Colours, the Music, and mostly, the Being Together with people we hold dear to us.
Modern society has created so much hype about Christmas and what it means for Retail Giants, ( or as they advertise it "Xmas" ).
I've been just as lazy, I'll admit, I've use the short version "Xmas", but no more.
when I see that now, it makes me sad. " X-MAS "
"X" meaning anti or negativity about whatever comes after it.
X - mas : the "mas" standing for Christmas.
So then interpreting it as Anti-Christmas (x-mas).
Which has in turn created a whole lot of people that are now
I know, it all sounds like a bit of Mumbo-Jumbo. LOL !!!
Modern society forgot about the Joy, Colour, Music, Friends & Family.
It all became about how much $$$$$$$$ was spent in stores and who bought the biggest and most expensive presents.
Then everyone started forgetting about the real "gift of giving".
That Gift, meaning time, precious Time.
I still buy Presents. I'm not saying you shouldn't.
But the Presents I do give, I try and make them thoughtful,
and yeh practical if I can.
Most of my Presents and Gifts are more about giving Thanks and Appreciation to that person. It's the Thought that counts, not the Present.
I have always Loved Christmas time and the Magick of this special time of year, when many people came together and it was a happy time.
As you get older and wiser, you cherish the special moments you get, for they are held more dear to your heart than anything else in the world.
It does not matter if you live near or far from the people you hold dear to you, instead, "it's the Thought that Counts".
It is wonderful to get together, yes, but if you can't be together in person, there are so many ways you can at least communicate with each-other.
Technology is a wonderful creation of modern times.
It is easier to stay in touch with everyone now-a-days than ever before.
We can: Phone, Face-time, Video-call, Zoom-call, Email, and yes there is also Social-Media platforms.
We live quite a distance form our family and a good deal of friends.
So it is so awesome to get to communicate with them all, through the aid of technology. It is something we are grateful for.
It warms your heart, to pick up that phone (or device) and talk to someone special in your life.
We made some very Big changes in our lives this year (2024), and we have seen Big changes happening all around us.
It has delighted me to see a change taking place in people all around where we live as well.
Coming back in fashion is "Kindness and Joy", especially at this time of year.
People have been so wonderful to each-other from what I have seen when I've been out-and-about. It has warmed my heart.
It is a Choice to show a little Spirit of Christmas and I choose to feel Joy.
For some people the Spirit of Christmas is a religious one.
For some people the Spirit of Christmas is a spiritual one.
For some people the Spirit of Christmas is many other things.
That is OK, for whoever it is to see the Spirit of Christmas as whatever they choose to see it as. That is there Choice !!!
For me :
I adore the Joy, the Colours, the Music, the Togetherness, the Love.
I Love to share my Joy of the season with whoever I can.
Accepting each-other's likes or dislikes for the Spirit of Christmas is the KEY to truly being happy at this time of year.
My wish is that the Spirit of Christmas does a wonderful turn-about and
Returns to all our Hearts.
I know I will keep spreading and sharing my Spirit of Christmas with everyone.
Merry Christmas to all of you out there in the wide open World.